Tachyon Dragon Domination (Skill Card)
Set a Deck where all monsters that are not Level 1 in your Deck (Extra Deck excluded) are Dragon-Type LIGHT/DARK monsters; LIGHT monsters are Level 4/8 with 2000 ATK or lower; DARK monsters are Level 8 and have ATK of 2500 or 2000. Beginning a Duel with these settings will let you use each of the following effects once per turn and twice each during the Duel. ● Reveal 1 Level 8 monster in your hand, add 1 Level 4 or 8 LIGHT monster to your hand, and set 1 Level 8 monster in your hand onto your field. ● Return 1 face-up monster on your field to your hand and add 1 "Tachyon Transmigration" from your Deck or 1 "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force" from outside your Deck to your hand.